David Warren on the lie at the root of Darwinism, and why we must stand against it.
Marxism, Darwinism, and Freudianism were the substitutes for religion that actually commanded allegiance in a world I was already considering to be “post-modern.” Among my contemporaries, whether they realized it or not -- especially the ones who considered themselves to be intellectuals -- some hash of all three seemed ever to be in vogue.
I read right through Marx, Darwin, and Freud. I found all three writers uncongenial, and for similar reasons. Each was a Victorian determinist, with a theory of everything -- respectively an economic determinist, a biological determinist, and a psychological determinist. Each was an atheist, trying to discover a “scientific” system that could definitively exclude the concept of God, and in reading them I had my first glimmerings of why God might be necessary after all.
It is because Darwinism has embedded itself so deeply into the assumptions of our age, that it must be attacked frontally. For Darwinian assumptions cloud our view of reality. They subvert our grasp of moral issues. They make it possible for people to be dismissive, not only of art, philosophy, and religion, but of the requirements and limitations of true scientific research. They eviscerate the human spirit, by insisting that, in the last analysis, everything is random and meaningless. Conversely, they justify true fascism (“survival of the fittest”), and all the horrors of eugenics, abortions and euthanasia.
Moral relativism could not stand, except on a Darwinist base, and reason itself is rendered defenceless, by the notion that all nature was randomly contrived.
Read the entire article at David Warren Online.